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Apocalypse - a Complete Review

As always, this review of the new set is based on spoilers that may not be completely reliable. So far, the spoilers I've based these Early Reviews on have been reasonably accurate, but even a small typo in the casting cost can make a bad card seem good or vice versa. For that reason, I've decided to change my rating scheme and only give cards a rating for casual play. Ratings go from 1 (Pale Moon) to 5 (Teferi's Puzzle Box).

The spoilers are from


Apocalypse looks like a good set, although I have a feeling there are less cards in it that have the potential to completely change the game. The only card that springs to mind is Ice Cave, which has the potential of locking your opponent down. The rest of the set seems focused on creatures, on creature combat and on utility. That's not a bad thing, but I miss cards in the set that really make me think about how to build a deck around them.

This set has also gone overboard on themes. Each color has a disciple, a sanctuary and a volver. Furthermore, there are painlands and 2/2s for each enemy color combination, and each color has a recruiter (although green, surprisingly, has two). Each color also has a unique ability, with no overlap into other colors. White has flagbearers, blue has whirlpool creatures, black has the cantrip and supercantrip Phyrexians, red has the walking earthquakes and green the Penumbras.

It just gets a bit too predictable. I would have preferred more surprises and less repetitiveness. It still looks like a good set, though. To summarize the ratings:

Rating 1: 10 cards
Rating 2: 34 cards
Rating 3: 47 cards
Rating 4: 38 cards
Rating 5: 14 cards

That looks like an even spread, tilted slightly to the positive side. Not too bad.

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The Complete Encyclopedia of Magic the Gathering

For the first time ever, all the existing Magic the Gathering cards are recorded in a single 720 page book. With over 7,200 card pictures, The Complete Encyclopedia of Magic the Gathering is a must for any collector, trader and art-admirer.


Onslaught continues the story of Kamahl, who struggles to cope with what it means to be a druid. At the same time, he has to help his sister, Jeska, who has been transformed into Phage, a being that can kill with a mere touch. At the same time Ixidor, an illusionist with the ability to shape reality is out to kill Phage for killing his one true love. Who will find her first?

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