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What card are you looking for from the TO expansion? Alter Reality Ambassador Laquatus Angel of Retribution Balthor the Stout Cephalid Vandal Chainer, Dementia Master Dawn of the Dead Devastating Dreams False Memories Grim Lavamancer Gurzigost Hell-Bent Raider Hypnox Ichorid Insidious Dreams Insist Laquatus's Champion Last Laugh Llawan, Cephalid Empress Major Teroh Morningtide Mortal Combat Mutilate Nantuko Blightcutter Nantuko Cultivator Nantuko Shade Nostalgic Dreams Overmaster Parallel Evolution Petradon Plagiarize Possessed Aven Possessed Barbarian Possessed Centaur Possessed Nomad Radiate Reborn Hero Retraced Image Sengir Vampire Shambling Swarm Skullscorch Transcendence Turbulent Dreams Vengeful Dreams

The Complete Encyclopedia of Magic the Gathering
For the first time ever, all the existing Magic the Gathering cards are recorded in a single 720 page book. With over 7,200 card pictures, The Complete Encyclopedia of Magic the Gathering is a must for any collector, trader and art-admirer.

Onslaught continues the story of Kamahl, who struggles to cope with what it means to be a druid. At the same time, he has to help his sister, Jeska, who has been transformed into Phage, a being that can kill with a mere touch. At the same time Ixidor, an illusionist with the ability to shape reality is out to kill Phage for killing his one true love. Who will find her first?
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