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Odyssey Tournament DeckThe Odyssey Tournament Deck contains 75 random cards, 3 of which are rares, 10 uncommon and 32 common. The rest are basic lands. An Odyssey Tournament Deck is an excellent way for a new player to start collecting Magic: the Gathering cards, because most Odyssey tournament decks contain a good variety of cards, from basic utility cards to strong creatures of all sizes. The mechanics in Odyssey are Threshold (creatures or spells with a threshold ability become stronger when you have at least seven cards in your graveyard), Flashback (spells with flashback can be played twice, once from your hand and once from your graveyard) and some unnamed mechanics, like the Bursts (Life Burst, Flame Burst, Muscle Burst etc, utility spells that become stronger if you have copies of them in your graveyard). |
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