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The Magic Chest 22: Bargaining Table
Bargaining Table is just one member of the vast family of draw-a-card artifacts. Well, it's not that vast, but almost every new set seems to have one these days. The standard for these cards is Jayemdae Tome. When I got my first two Jayemdae Tomes, I frequently misplayed them. I had a tendency to cast them as soon as I reached the four mana threshold, even though I had more useful cards in my hand. I figured that the sheer card advantage from the Tome would quickly seal my victory, but while I filled up my hand with the Tome, I could only cast the occasional cheap spell and I was quickly overrun by my opponent. Jayemdae Tome is a good card, but it's usually a card for the late game, when your hand is empty and you have plenty of mana to spare. And that's where it differs from Bargaining Table. The Table obviously works best in discard decks, where it usually won't cost any mana to use. That makes it worth it to cast the Table as soon as you have five mana available. Even if your opponent's hand isn't quite empty yet, it soon will be. While making this deck, I restricted myself to type II (Masques block, Invasion and Sixth Edition) for a change. That way I was forced to look at some of the newer cards instead of falling back on old favorites all the time (Demonic Consultation, Duress, Hypnotic Specter etc.) Bargaining Table: In most decks, I'd only play with two Jayemdae Tomes, because drawing two early on is generally not that good. I'd play four Bargaining Tables, though. With an empty-handed opponent, they're Howling Mines that only work for you and you can never have too many of those. Stupor: It's no Hymn to Tourach, but it's still card advantage. Abyssal Specter: It's no Hypnotic Specter, but it's still good. Blazing Specter would be another option, but that's only 2/2 and vulnerable to Shock and Seal of Fire. I'm also not keen on splashing red. Hypnotic Cloud: With kicker, Hypnotic Cloud costs six mana to cast. That's quite a bit, but it's nice to have the option to make your opponent discard three cards if necessary and you have the mana for it. Probe: A useful search card with an option of extra discard. One of the dangers of playing with a lot of discard is that you could get stuck with a hand filled with it when what you really need is a few blockers. Probe allows you to discard a few of the superfluous cards in exchange for new ones. Recoil: If your opponent has an empty hand, it's as good as an instant Desert Twister for half the cost. That makes it excellent spot removal in this deck. Wash Out: It's not just a good card against creature rushes, it's also quite useful to get rid of enchantments when you combine it with discard. Disenchant: I considered adding white just for this, but Wash Out and Recoil should be enough to deal with irritating enchantments. Plague Spitter: Useful against elves and birds, while your own creatures have too much toughness to be affected. Massacre: A good sideboard card against rebel decks. Dark Ritual: Most of the cards in the deck so far have a high casting cost. Rituals will help to smooth out the mana curve. Soul Burn: As an alternative kill card in case the Abyssal Specters and Plague Spitters don't cut it. Avatar of Will: Works well with the discard theme of the deck and it's nice to have a big creature, especially if there's a good chance you get to cast it early. Avatar of Woe: The deck doesn't have enough creatures, but against decks that have a lot of creatures, it's a good sideboard card. I only used one to keep the cost of the deck down. Snuff Out: A sideboard card against big creature decks. Swamp: Two Swamps to fill out the sideboard. I was lost for anything else to put there and land destruction is quite a problem around here. Extra lands are always good.
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