You can find just about any item you can imagine at, including things you'd never find in shops. That's why is a great place to buy if you can't find what you're looking for anywhere else or sell something you can't find a buyer for locally.
But that's not all. Because is an auction site, it's a great place to look for bargains, because there are usually several auctions going on for the same item. Sounds good? You can go straight to eBay by clicking here.
After that, you have to read and agree to's terms of service. Basically you'll just have to agree not to use eBay for illegal purposes (like selling one of your kidneys!) or for anything else they don't like. The last step is confirming your email address. You do this by waiting for an email will send you and by following the instructions in it. And that's all there is to it! Good luck!