334 by Thomas M. Disch
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buy 334 by Thomas M. Disch at AmazonAuthor: Thomas M. Disch
Release date: May, 1999
Media: Paperback
ISBN: 0375705449
Thomas Disch takes us through the lives of people living in building number 334 on 11th street in New York. But this is no ordinary story, and it isn't in ordinary times. It's set in 2020, giving the reader a glimpse of the future that may have been, if the government watches over our every move. In a time of test tube babies, real food displayed in plastic form in a museum, and tests determining whether or not a person can have children the reader gets to know many different characters who live in the same building, but lives are far apart. Learning about these people can be confusing, because Disch jumps back and forth between them very quickly, but other than that, this book offers a good fictional look into the future, that left me wondering if the predictions will ever come true. I recommend 334 to anyone interested in science fiction, and/or looking for a challenging book that kept me captivated the whole way through. - an Amazon customer review
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