Young Blood by Stephen King
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buy Young Blood by Stephen King at AmazonAuthor: Stephen King
Release date: March, 1994
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0821744984
Good concept not carried out as well as possible
All of these stories were written before the author's 30th birthday, the point being to prove that you don't have to be old to contribute good stuff. The collection includes stories from both older or deceased authors as well as new previously unpublished authors. The collection started off kind of weak and didn't have quite as many gems as I expected. I was kind of amazed at how many of the stories were pretty short. Maybe it was their brevity or maybe the writing itself, but the stories were just not as good as I expected. However I have listed the ones I did like below. "The Mangler" by Stephen King - Early King but still good stuff, some might even say better than some of his current offerings
"Little Black Bags" by Clark Perry - Everything is not as it seems
"Armadillo Village" by Terry Campbell - An old horror story theme that proves to still be very good - an Amazon customer review
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