Wrong Things by Poppy Z. Brite
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buy Wrong Things by Poppy Z. Brite at AmazonAuthor: Poppy Z. Brite
Release date: 01 December, 2001
Media: Hardcover
ISBN: 1931081255
I love Poppy. I really, really love Poppy. She's an awesome writer when she really gets going, and her new stuff is amazing. She's writing about very, very human things, which are just so much scarier than the subjects of her first few books. Take Zee, in "The Crystal Empire." She doesn't get what her boyfriend sees in this singer--she's a little scornful of the whole situation. However, she still openly believes that what he says, goes. That's SCARY. I've known people like that, who are willing to sacrifice their own will to another."Onion" is actually the best CRK story I've read since reading "Souveniers" in The Dreaming series. However...she still needs work. I had to read and reread "Onion" to figure out just what was going on. It's better than Silk or Threshold, but not by much. Oh well.
"The Rest of the Wrong Thing" was GREAT. PZB and CRK are fabulous collaborative writers. It brought back that wonderful small-town creepiness that I loved about Drawing Blood (and, to a lesser degree, Lost Souls. I just didn't like LS very much).
All in all, a B+ effort from two great writers. - an Amazon customer review
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