Willow by V.C. Andrews
Horror Author Home > V.C. Andrews > Willow

buy Willow by V.C. Andrews at AmazonAuthor: V. C. Andrews
Release date: 29 January, 2002
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0671039903
It is a wonderful book, but compared to previous VCA books..
it's mildly supreb. I read some of the other reviews, one person stating it was a sham because Willow lived a fine life with a nanny. True she was, but not all rich people live glorious lives. The new writer for the V.C. Andrews books has worked hard on creating a new series and I think she will grab the V.C. Andrews audience. Willow grows up with a nanny, a horrible adoptive mom, and a adoptive father who is a highly respected man in the psychitiary field. The nanny is more of a mother than her adoptive mother. Her father ends up passing away and Willow runs off to Florida to seek the truth about her past she was never told. The ending is fabulous and I can't wait to read the next book. I have it being sent here as I write, plus the send book also. Anyway, if you are a V.C. Andrews fan, I suggest you read it. It is good. - an Amazon customer review
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