Web of Dreams by V.C. Andrews
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buy Web of Dreams by V.C. Andrews at AmazonAuthor: V. C. Andrews
Release date: October, 1992
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0671729497
the best out of this series
this was the first book i read out of this series unaware that it indeed was a series because i grabbed it out of my moms collection and i was hooked this book shows how even though you may live in a big huge house and have anything your heart desires it isn't all peachy keen and great what leighs stepfather tony did to her and how her mother blamed her for everything that happened just surprised me i never thought jillian could be that curel to her daughter and be so cought up in her self like that was something else like i said this was the first book i read unaware that there was a series but i ran out and bought heaven after i got done reading this. i thnk this book was well written you can feel what leigh was going through and they go into such detail that you can pic the surroundings this bood is worth the money if you like reading v.c andrews books - an Amazon customer review
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