Titus Crow: The Burrowers Beneath the Transition of Titus Crow by Brian Lumley
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buy Titus Crow: The Burrowers Beneath the Transition of Titus Crow by Brian Lumley at AmazonAuthor: Brian Lumley
Release date: February, 1999
Media: Paperback
ISBN: 0312868677
Taking the good with the (very) bad
Collecting the first two Titus Crow, this volume finds the reader confronted with a good idea in the first novel (Good Lovecraft pastiche), and a bad idea in the second one (bad H.G.Wells). The Burrowers Beneath introduces us to Titus Crow and his Watson de Marigny as they combat underground creatures from Lovecraft's Cthulu mythos. This is a taut thriller that gives the reader a much more active hero than any of Lovecraft's hapless victims. Lumley greatly improves upon Lovecraft, a man of great imagination with almost unreadable prose. Lumley does a fine job keeping the reader guessing to the bitter end how it would turn out for his protagonists.
Book 2: The Transition of Titus Crow is a drastic drop in quality. Crow travels in time, is transformed by a rather hackneyed old school science fiction method, and ends up in a place akin to paradise. It is all told in one long journey that has very little dramatic purpose and disappoints as horror, suspense, or science fiction. By making the journey too fantastic, Lumley loses sight of the very human characters so well used in the first book. For me, the collection was worth the purchase to discover this interesting character,
but I can't wholeheartedly recommend this collection to anyone who doesn't already have an interest in Lovecraft's work. - an Amazon customer review
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