Three Past Midnight: The Library Policeman by Stephen King
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buy Three Past Midnight: The Library Policeman by Stephen King at AmazonAuthor: Stephen King
Release date: June, 1991
Media: Audio Cassette
ISBN: 0453007481
I'm a policeman...
This audio version of Three past midnight will capture your attention especially if you listen to it in the dark. the reader does an excellent job giving each character a distinct voice. spooky music punctuates the suspense of the book giving it a chilling feeling which pulls the lisener in. Still, like most Sk books the begining was better then the ending. I found the way the hero fought off the entity a bit over the top and really didn't make that much sensse. Yes Sam faced his fear but King built up the evil being so much that one would think it took more then childhood fears to kill it off. Overall though a pretty good listen. This book contains 6 cassettes and is narrated by a single reader. - an Amazon customer review
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