Those Mean Nasty Dirty Downright Disgusting But...Invisible Germs by Anne Rice
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buy Those Mean Nasty Dirty Downright Disgusting But...Invisible Germs by Anne Rice at AmazonAuthor: Leigh Anne Jasheway
Release date: October, 1999
Media: Library Binding
ISBN: 0785772995
My preschoolers love it!
Although I have to add to it, my kids really love this book! I had to discuss what invisible meant (that big ten foot bunny in the corner!), and give a visible demonstration afterward (paint or glitter in my hand that I "sneeze" into, and then offer to shake hands and touch other things in the room. We talk about sneezing into your elbow and tissues to keep us safe from germs. We use funny voices for the different germs to make it more "kid friendly." My kids have it almost memorized, and beg for it to be read. Really helps explain germs, even to my 2 yr. olds, without being too "boring" to my 5 yr. olds. Hope that helps! - an Amazon customer review
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