The Wildflowers by V.C. Andrews
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buy The Wildflowers by V.C. Andrews at AmazonAuthor: V. C. Andrews
Release date: 22 May, 2001
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 074342347X
A Taste of Imprefection
I discovered V.C. Andrews books about six years ago. I have been an avid reader of them since. V.C. Andrews is the first author I have found whose books never diappoint me. I have never read one and felt I had wasted my time.
This book told the stories of four girls with lives that were far from perfect. It steers away from fairy tale worlds, and more towards reality. This showed me that not everyone has things perfect, everyone faces their own struggles, and you may never know. You may never know the source from which their anger stems. The cause for their lack of self-esteem. It makes you think twice before judging anyone. From page one I could not put it down. The characters stories intrigued me. I found myself relating a little to each girl as she told her story. As the characters told their stories and their lives became incipient, i began to feel for them. When the end came I was disappointed that it was finished. This book has enhanced my love for V.C. Andrews' writing, and I recommend it to anyone who hase enjoyed her other books. - an Amazon customer review
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