The Waste Lands (The Dark Tower , Vol 3) by Stephen King
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buy The Waste Lands (The Dark Tower , Vol 3) by Stephen King at AmazonAuthor: Stephen King
Release date: May, 1998
Media: Audio Cassette
ISBN: 0140867171
One of the most real, richly filled adventure stories ever.
Of all the many Stephen King books, his Dark Tower epic is the what truly marks his genious. Together the Dark Tower series is the most richly filled adventure since Lord of the Rings, with some of the most real, living, breathing characters King has ever brought to life. Alone the Dark Tower II: the Drawing of the Three may be the best in the series so far. It remains one of the most action-packed and interesting adventures ever written. The story has such history and depth, and the characters are so life-like it's easy to forget it's a work of fiction. The story is inexcapable, unforgettable. A world all it's own that pulls you in and never ever let's go. Once you read this book you will never be the same. All you read will remind you of this world, and you will find peices of it in almost every book you've read and loved by Stephen King. Most of all you will be like the rest of us waiting tirelessly for the rest of the story to be written, and the mystery of the Dark Tower to be solved. Nothing you have ever read will prepare you for such an amazing trip through an even more amazing world. You will find other books full of knowledge about the Dark Tower, like: Insomnia, Rose Madder, The Stand, Salem's Lot, The Eyes of the Dragon. Even if just sharing a character, they all somehow tie in together. (And honestly, one of them tell more about the Dark Tower itself than any of the Dark Tower books so far.) And best of all, the story isn't over yet!! We've all got to wait for the last two or three to be written. The waiting is the hardest part, because the books are always read so quickly. Calling them page-turners is an understatement! They are landmarks. - an Amazon customer review
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