The Tommyknockers by Stephen King
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buy The Tommyknockers by Stephen King at AmazonAuthor: Matthew Lewis
Release date: December, 1994
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0451156609
The Tommyknockers-Stephen King
While its not one of my favorites, The Tommyknockers is worthy reading. Nicknamed "The gadget novel", this book is rather long and not near as compelling as other lengthy King novels The Stand and IT. Still its an overall good book, with the usual interesting characters and their own share of problems prior to the crashed spaceship. The power given to the characters and their everyday appliances is totally original and makes it the one high tech King thrill ride. If youre looking for evil space creatures, dont go looking in Dreamcatcher, in my opinion King's failed attempt at ET's. Theyre all here and a note to King: one alien book is enough. This book is pretty much the epitamy of all things futuristic and dark in the area of aliens and theres no need to write a new one. Although not essential, its an excellent read for hardcore and casual fans. - an Amazon customer review
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