The Mist by Stephen King
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buy The Mist by Stephen King at AmazonAuthor: Stephen King
Release date: May, 1986
Media: Audio Cassette
ISBN: 0671621386
Bad Handling of a Great Story
I am a big Stephen King fan, and have really enjoyed other audiobooks of his. So, I was excited when I saw a cassette of "The Mist," a novella which I thought was excellent. Well, I was doomed to be disappointed by this tape. It starts out by informing the listener that it was recorded in 3-D sound. Indeed, it does sound a little more textured than the usual audiobook. But I think it was a big mistake to read it as a play. I think the listener would have gotten a lot more out of it if it was read straight from the book. You see, in the process of rewriting it for the audio book, they changed the integrity of the story. In the cassette, David Drayton and his wife yell at each other like shrews, and their son sounds like somebody is pinching his nose shut while he talks. Another irritant: all the pitches for name brand foods. "Here, have some Post Toasties!" "How 'bout some Ruffles Potato Chips." I don't know if this was intentional or not, but it certainly wasn't in the book, and it was enough to make me want to gag. One more thing; true, the 3-D sound is neat, but it is not good to listen to while you're driving. Nobody in the car will be satisfied with how well they can hear. All in all, avoid this audiobook. Reading the story will let you absorb the atmosphere much, much better. - an Amazon customer review
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