The Inhuman Condition by Clive Barker
Horror Author Home > Clive Barker > The Inhuman Condition

buy The Inhuman Condition by Clive Barker at AmazonRelease date: 27 February, 2001
Media: Paperback
ISBN: 0743417348
Great Collection of twisted fiction
Again, I love Clive Barker. His work is just awe-inspiring. This collection borders on classic in the likes of H.P. Lovecraft and Poe. Shoot, it doesn't just border, it crosses over. These stories will be remembered years to come, mark my words. Clive Barker is genius. His work is the real deal, he cannot be immitated. His craft is so incredible. The stories are horrifying, gruesome, and beautiful. The Body politic is terrifying as is the title story about a knot and the demons that hell unleashes when the knot is undone. This is great stuff. Why can't all authors have this ambition? - an Amazon customer review
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