The Green Mile: Coffey on the Mile by Stephen King
Horror Author Home > Stephen King > The Green Mile: Coffey on the Mile

buy The Green Mile: Coffey on the Mile by Stephen King at AmazonAuthor: Kevin McCarthy
Release date: August, 1996
Media: Audio Cassette
ISBN: 0140863826
A good book.
Coffey on the Mile is the last in a series of six books entitled "The Green Mile". The green mile spoken of refers to the "mile" an inmate has to walk before coming to the electric chair. In this particular book, the guards that keep an eye on Coffey have come to the conclusion that he did not kill the little girls he was accused of killing. The guards wanted to not see Coffey escape the prison because Coffey has a power that none of them have ever seen before and he uses this power to heal a friend of one of the guards. The guards conclude that this man could never hurt anyone and try to get him to leave but Coffey says that he doesn't want to leave. He would rather die then to live in a world with so much suffering - an Amazon customer review
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