The Doubter's Companion: A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense by John Saul
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buy The Doubter's Companion: A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense by John Saul at AmazonAuthor: John Callahan
Release date: October, 1994
Media: Paperback
ISBN: 0743236602
Biting Commentary Essential to all Concerned Citizens
Saul has attempted to place the current use of language for the purpose of public discussion into historical terms. Through the unusual format of a dictionary-style argument, Saul convincingly argues that our public officials' obsession with a society conceived upon the faith of knowledge specialization and economic quantification has swerved Western Civilization (as defined by the values that emerged out of the Enlightenment) off the very basis of what has allowed our societies to develop, prosper and gain greater informational and monetary wealth. Throughout the argument, Saul points out that historically, it is not through a blinding respect for one (sometimes isolated) principle that Western societies have developed, but that it is through careful (humanist) consideration of the complex and interrelated problems that constantly confront the varying interests of society. Though sometimes appalling in its generalizations and uncited factual accounts, the book is a satirical and correct swipe at our use of language sure to affect your own analysis of daily events. - an Amazon customer review
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