The Dark Tower 4: Wizard and Glass by Stephen King
Horror Author Home > Stephen King > The Dark Tower 4: Wizard and Glass

buy The Dark Tower 4: Wizard and Glass by Stephen King at AmazonAuthor: Stephen King
Release date: July, 1998
Media: Paperback
ISBN: 0340696621
Good on the first read, Spectacular on the second
I read this book, originaly, about a day after it came out. This is the fourth book in a series and I was hoping it would follow in a certain direction. It didn't. Not being what I had expected, the book wasn't great the first time through. However, I reread it about 2 years later with an open mind and it was great. A good portion of the book can stand alone as a great piece of fiction but when combined with the previous three books it is just that much better. I highly reccomend the series if you haven't read it. I just can't wait for the next book in the series. - an Amazon customer review
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