Stephen King: The Bachman Books, Thinner by Stephen King
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buy Stephen King: The Bachman Books, Thinner by Stephen King at AmazonAuthor: Stephen King
Release date: December, 1995
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0451931416
Stephen/Richard...who cares?
The Bachman books, while not big sellers AS Bachman books, are still a good read. The characters have great depth and there is always that element of suspense that keeps you from putting the book down. As Stephen King pointed out, the disparity in sales when the books were identified as Bachman's and when it came out that they were King books is astonishing. I would have been just as loyal a follower of Bachman if I had never found out these authors were one and the same. I have been hooked on King books ever since I was at camp in MN when I was 13 and a kid gave me Different Seasons. My mom read it and forbade me to ever read anything like that again and here I am now-I have an extensive King library and read them all over and over again. Except Pet Sematary cause it scares the HELL out of me. :) I heartily recommend this set of books, they're all top notch except for Roadwork, and Thinner is a masterpiece. - an Amazon customer review
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