Star (The Wildflowers Series) by V.C. Andrews
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buy Star (The Wildflowers Series) by V.C. Andrews at AmazonAuthor: V. C. Andrews
Release date: August, 1999
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0671028014
Star deserves 5
Star, the second book in the Wildflowers is fantastic!!!!!! Star FINALLY gets to tell her story, of hope,heartbreak,shame, and the wish of a perfect family. She tells of a deadbeat father, and a drunken mother, parents far different from the other girls. Star maintains your interest all through out the book,as of Misty, and as in all V.C. Andrews books, it is a quick and delicious read, with a juicy ending. I can't wait to read Jade!!!! - an Amazon customer review
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