Sole Survivor by Dean Koontz
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buy Sole Survivor by Dean Koontz at AmazonAuthor: Dean R. Koontz
Release date: May, 2000
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0553582941
His best work since The Bad Place
After having been disappointed by Dean Koontz's last few novels, I find his new novel to be a very interesting read. The pace is fast, making me turn each page with anticipation.
Instead of just finding out what happened to the plane crash, Koontz takes his readers on a roller-coaster ride, raising the puzzles of: Could someone actually survive the crash, what causes the mysterious deaths of those relatives of the victims, and of course, who is Rose Tucker?
The ending is somewhat disappointing but the overall makeup is better than Intensity, Mr Murder, or Cold Fire.
For readers who have just been introduced to the master of mystery, I also HIGHLY RECOMMEND his earlier works, Strangers, Watchers, Lightning, and The Bad Place.
Some published under his pen names, such as The Mask, Whispers, Phantoms,and Night Chills, are also very entertaining. - an Amazon customer review
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