Shadow over Innsmuth by H.P. Lovecraft
Horror Author Home > H.P. Lovecraft > Shadow over Innsmuth

buy Shadow over Innsmuth by H.P. Lovecraft at AmazonAuthor: H. P. Lovecraft
Release date: June, 2002
Media: Audio Cassette
ISBN: 1564311260
Well worth the purchase price.
The Atlanta Radio Theatre Company produced this work. They have done several Lovecraft works in this audio format; each work is an elegant rendition of the horror masterpiece from which it was derived. The Shadow over Innsmouth sticks to the plot, and manages to convey much of the darkness of the original piece.The additional work, Ghost Dance, is a much lighter work. It is an "original" piece and almost doesn't work because of the flat vocals used to simulate Native American accents. In the end, the story manages to overcome whatever shortcomings the vocals might have.
Overall, I highly recommend any of the works by the ARTC group. They won't let you down. - an Amazon customer review
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