Servant of the Bones by Anne Rice
Horror Author Home > Anne Rice > Servant of the Bones

buy Servant of the Bones by Anne Rice at AmazonAuthor: Anne Rice
Release date: November, 1998
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0345389417
Gets better with each page you can't stop turning!
I respectfully disagree with the esteemed reader from MD: I found the book's beginning somewhat slow and plodding but it got better and better as the story played out. I've read every book ever written by Anne Rice and this is up there amongst my favorites. Azriel is a fascinating, intense, intelligent and sympathetic character. Unlike some other main characters Ms. Rice has created, I would love to meet Azriel. The background, history and settings are detailed and evocative as they are in all of her books, even if I thought the introduction and setup of the storyline was too long and drawn out. - an Amazon customer review
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