Salems Lot by Stephen King
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buy Salems Lot by Stephen King at AmazonAuthor: Stephen King
Release date: November, 1999
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0671039741
Great Book Overlooked
First of all I have to say this is my favorite Stephen King book that I have read. At I also think it's very overlooked. The story is about a small town that becomes a ghost town because a vampire has come to the town and is taking control of the towns people one by one and using those people to take over other people. I don't want to ruin the story for anyone, by giving out to much detail, but basically the story is about a vampires. I absolutely loved this book. I'm a huge King fan and this book is just wonderful. He's written so many great stories like Carrie, the Shining, The Stand, and It that a lot of his work gets overlooked and that's the way I feel about this book. No one ever talks about this book or even really knows this book. I think I may of even had a hard time finding it in a local book store, whatever the reason is I don't understand. A lot of King's books have been turned into movies as has Salems Lot, now I don't know what the deal is, but I rented it and hated it, but what I watched was a single video, since then I have seen a double video version of the movie. The single tape version is terrible and is one of the worst movies I saw, probably because I knew so much about the characters and nothing was brought out in the movie, perhaps the double shows more, but if you've seen the movie I wouldn't base the book on that because the book is great the movie is horrible and does not do justice for the book. Salem's Lot is not terribly long, but not short either. It's a very underated book and should receive more credit than it has. If you haven't read and like Vampires or Stephen King run to the store and buy it, you won't be disapointed. - an Amazon customer review
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