Punish the Sinners by John Saul
Horror Author Home > John Saul > Punish the Sinners

buy Punish the Sinners by John Saul at AmazonAuthor: John Ashbery
Release date: 01 June, 1990
Media: Paperback
ISBN: 0440170842
Very Scary.
Punish the Sinners is one of the most feveirish novels I have ever read. Sometimes John Saul says that he dose not belive he should be put in the horror section with Stephen King, and Dean Koontz, but he dose deserve to be put in the catagory! This one one of the most frightening novels I have ever read, and I would reccomend it to anyone. After the ending one has to think for a while, what just happened? Then after ten seconds of thinking you figure out the terrifying truth at the end. I would reccomend this novel if you haven't read John Saul before, or if you have. Don't get me wrong, this is not John Sauls best work, but it is one of his best...that I can tell you for sure. While reading this novel I just could not put it down. It is one of those books that you start and they are so interesting, or in this books case suspenseful, that you can't even put it down for a bathroom break. After reading this one and a few other, I can positivly say John Sauls earlier work was better than his work now. You will not be dissapointed if you read this. If you like horror/suspense I can assure you that you will enjoy this and rate it five starts as well.John Saul's Punish the sinners prolouge starts off with a boy creeping into his parent's room closet while they are trying to have relations. As he is in his parent's closet his sister comes in and murders both his parents, then hangs herself. After the terrifying prlouge it is a few decades later, and a new man is hired as a teacher in a private catholic school. The new teacher also falls in love with a woman he found on his train ride over to the town. Ever since this new teacher moves in girls start commiting scuicide one by one. No one even knows why they commit scuicide, they just one after another either try to kill themselves or they do. Everyone in the small town assumes that the reason the girls are commiting scuicide has to do with the new teacher's phycology class..except his students and his new girlfriend.....I won't tell you more about this novel because I do not wish to 'give it away' for you. I hope you take my word for it, and read this. I can assure you that you'll enjoy it if you enjoy other novels in this genre. - an Amazon customer review
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