Olivia (Logan Family Series) by V.C. Andrews
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buy Olivia (Logan Family Series) by V.C. Andrews at AmazonAuthor: V. C. Andrews
Release date: January, 1999
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0671007610
It was O.K.
This was a long awaited book! I was surprised however with the modern talk in it, usually V.C. Andrews books are written to the 1940 era~! They made Belinda seem to be this horrible disgusting ..., and Olivia to be mean. I this this ghost- writer is trying hard to fill in for Andrews, but the books just arent as captivating as they used to be! I find i am finished with the book, and feel like i was expecting more~! My favorite books were the Flowers in the Attic series. Im not saying to copy that, but i like that plot line the best, everything else since then has been the same plot with different wording. Maybe try a new Idea rather than changing the words of what she has already written! - an Amazon customer review
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