Night Ocean by H.P. Lovecraft
Horror Author Home > H.P. Lovecraft > Night Ocean

buy Night Ocean by H.P. Lovecraft at AmazonAuthor: H.P. Lovecraft
Release date: February, 1987
Media: Paperback
ISBN: 094088416X
Let the darkness be your guide!
I am a huge fan of Lovecraft who himself was a fan of the true genuis; Poe. However Lovecraft has far exceeded the master in both sheer horror and prose, his stories are both terrifying and thought provoking. Anyone who is unaware of the work of H.P. Lovecraft is missing out on one of life's greatest joy's. Oh by the way, you must buy this book, Night Ocean only has 5 stories, but they are 5 of his his best. This book is a great way to discover the master of terror. Peace. - an Amazon customer review
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