Necroscope 3: The Source (Necroscope Trilogy, Volume 3) by Brian Lumley
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buy Necroscope 3: The Source (Necroscope Trilogy, Volume 3) by Brian Lumley at AmazonAuthor: Brian Lumley
Release date: September, 1989
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0812521277
visually gripping
Although I thought that necroscope 1 couldn't be equalled; the source dominates where wamphyri came up short. The descriptions of the warriors and the aeries, as well as the alternate world, were nothing but terrifying curiosities. With a touch of quantum physics and sheer horror; Mr. Lumley combines interesting scientific theories with monsters that seem to stay with you even after the book is put down. I really liked the way he added a more human and personal feel to the wamphyri hosts. The flirtatious Jazz and his interest in Zek is also a great addition to the story and keeps it moving even during the otherwise transitional and seemingly slow-moving stages in the book. I was actually taken by suprise with this book because I thought that for sure necroscope should have stayed a one book creation. I thought my theory was correct with my dissapointment in part 2. But Mr. Lumley did what all great saga writers do: instead of taking a story that seems to have used up its creative limitations and carrying it on like a soap opera(R. Jordan, unfortunately);he built on it and formed a whole new landscape of ideas to read about. Especially when it comes to Harry sr. metamorphisies throughout each book. He has been through so much and has taken a couple of forms through his journies that he has an almost detatched and alienated relationship with his former love and with most of the living for that matter. I could feel his loneliness when he saw Brenda for the first time in eight years and he couldn't even bear to look at her. Harry will always be moving on and changing in the eyes of the living, but he will always be static, ubiquitous, respected and loved in the eyes of the dead! - an Amazon customer review
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