Narcissus in Chains by Laurell K. Hamilton
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buy Narcissus in Chains by Laurell K. Hamilton at AmazonAuthor: Laurell K. Hamilton
Release date: October, 2002
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0515133876
Moving on
As a HUGE fan of the Anita Blake series (and a voracious consumer of vampire literature in all its guises), I had been anxiously awaiting this 10th in the series, especially after "Obsidian Butterfly" took Anita so far afield with only Edward for familiar companionship; unlike Anita's previous trips to Tennessee and Branson, Missouri wherein she travelled within something of a paranormal entourage. And I was SO not disappointed! This, in my opinion, was the best of the Anita Blake books yet. Not just because of the increased sexual content (about time our girl got a bit more on the gratification scale), but because it showed movement - if not growth - among most of the major characters. Anita has learned to embrace her growing powers and the supernatural community of which she has become a part. Richard has grown into his power and as a leader and idealist, while sinking deeper into the self-loathing mire he has been wallowing in ever since he realized he had to kill his old Ulfric to take over the job. Jean Claude has learned to show those he loves his vulnerability and how he depends on their strength. Asher's bitterness over his disfigurement is rapidly coming to a head, made more difficult to deal with because of his genuine love for some of the people in his life. Nathaniel is even showing more strength and a calm sort of grounding. I could go on and on, but you should read it for yourself. I can't say enough good things about this book - like the best sex, it is at the same time satisfying and leaves you wanting more! - an Amazon customer review
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