Memnoch the Devil (Vampire Chronicles, No 5) by Anne Rice
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buy Memnoch the Devil (Vampire Chronicles, No 5) by Anne Rice at AmazonAuthor: Anne Rice
Release date: July, 1997
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0345409671
Could have been much better
Having read almost the entire series now I can say this is not one that I would ever go back and read again. I found this book very difficult to finish, not because it was hard to follow but just because it was so wordy, and extremely boaring. It took much longer to get through this then I expected it to. I had to force myself to finish this book. I couldn't just skip through it and then read the others and expect to know what was going on. So I eventually finished it. The series as a whole is great, but this book in the series is not one that I would reccommend, or say is the best, I wouldnt even call it the 2nd best. In my opinion it was more like the worst.
I like the idea of useing Memnoch, and writing a book about him. His actual historical background is really interesting. However had it been done in a different way then it was and had it not been as lengthy and wordy as it was then maybe it could have been better. Anne Rice seems to have this problem. She sometimes gets to discriptive and leaves NOTHING to the imagination. She uses 500 pages to say what some could say in 300 and it still be as effective. I am now reading The Vampire Armand, and it is MUCH BETTER than Memnoch was... I would definatly reccommend TVA.... - an Amazon customer review
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