Los Langoliers: Una Despues De LA Medianoche by Stephen King
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buy Los Langoliers: Una Despues De LA Medianoche by Stephen King at AmazonRelease date: November, 1995
Media: Audio Cassette
ISBN: 078710602X
Of all his stories that I read, this is his best.
This book was the best Steven King book I read. Most books I can put down and read later but this one was glued to my eyes. The movie was about a quarter good than the book. It left out so many great parts like Craig Toomey's mother, Albert Krasner's dreams about "The Arazona Jew", and Brian Engle's dream about "Shooting Stars Only". I have read this book so many times that I am going to have to get another copy because this one is getting distroyed. I give this book 5 stars everytime I finish it. - an Amazon customer review
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