Los Angeles : From Pueblo to City of the Future by John Saul
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buy Los Angeles : From Pueblo to City of the Future by John Saul at AmazonAuthor: John L. Smith
Release date: December, 1995
Media: Paperback
ISBN: 0929651014
Bad Writing and Bad History
I can't recall ever reading a historical book as badly written as this one. The prose is choppy, often jumping between unrelated topics within the same paragraph. The analysis is incoherent or nonexistent. The author treats early history simply by recounting facts without any attempt to explore their meaning. His modern history is even worse: a litany of complaints about how crime, pollution, and ethnic conflict have made the city unbearable. It reads like a cross between an elementary school report and the stereotypes of someone who has never lived in Los Angeles.Whether you love or hate it, Los Angeles is a tremendously diverse, complex city - in its culture, economy, politics, and geography. I hoped to read an account that would take a well-rounded, sophisticated look at the city, but was utterly disappointed.
Skip this one. - an Amazon customer review
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