Life in the Cinema by Clive Barker
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buy Life in the Cinema by Clive Barker at AmazonAuthor: Clive Barker
Release date: November, 2000
Media: Hardcover
ISBN: 1887368361
Fantastic read
This book is great! Mick Garris is an insightful and entertaining writer. I've read a few of his short stories before, but it's a million times better when you get a full dose of his prose. Stephan King's introduction is complimentary and fun (not to mention that he signed the book!) and Tobe Hooper is as irreverant as ever in his afterword. The Clive Barker cover art is stunning in it's simplicity and edginess. This is a full package of horror, from the fiction to it's collectability. Like I said, along with Garris signing the book, King, Barker and Hooper have also signed. This is a must for ALL collectors and for people who just love good writing. - an Amazon customer review
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