Legends: Short Novels by the Masters of Modern Fantasy by Stephen King
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buy Legends: Short Novels by the Masters of Modern Fantasy by Stephen King at AmazonAuthor: Aspatore Books Staff
Release date: 25 August, 1998
Media: Hardcover
ISBN: 0312867875
Jordan's story is worth it alone!
If you're at all a fan of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time saga (and how could you not be!) then this book is worth the buy for that story alone. It details how Lan and Moiraine first met...awesome. The story is incredibly detailed and the plot doesn't stop twisting until the final sentence is read. Jordan is truly a modern master.
I haven't even read any of the other stories yet but it's got Terry Goodkind, Anne McCaffrey and Stephen King as well as about NINE others. After finishing the Robert Jordan story I immediately hoped on Amazon and bought the other two editions and can't wait to read those! - an Amazon customer review
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