LT's Theory of Pets by Stephen King
Horror Author Home > Stephen King > LT's Theory of Pets

buy LT's Theory of Pets by Stephen King at AmazonAuthor: Stephen King
Release date: August, 2001
Media: Audio Cassette
ISBN: 0743520041
Great King stuff, well read by the author
As with most of the best of King, I laughed and I shivered. A great little story told very well by King at a live reading in England. The sound quality is very good, and the audience laughs at all the right places. If you are not familiar with King and his writing style, you may feel a bit confused or let down at the end of the story, but remember that King's genius lies greatly in the subtle bits. He's not the Jerry Bruckheimer of horror, that's for sure. And a good thing he's not! - an Amazon customer review
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