Killing Dance by Laurell K. Hamilton
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buy Killing Dance by Laurell K. Hamilton at AmazonAuthor: Laurell K. Hamilton
Release date: September, 2002
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0515134511
Did you ever have to finally decide? <g>
One of the things I really like about this series is whenever I finish one of the books, I'm on this incredible emotional rush. Yes, they're pretty light reads, yes, they are your standard "tough-girl" fiction...but they're so much more.
Anita Blake is the sort of person I'd like to be and yet would really hate being. Constantly in situations that require absolutely clear judgement, hers is oft clouded by her two boyfriends, both monsters. Richard, mild-mannered
werewolf-cum-teacher, whom she loves desperately for his heat and "aliveness" or Jean-Claude, exquisitely beautiful Master Vampire, who has pursued Anita for the entire series, usually with something up his sleeve, but she finds herself
lusting after him any way.
Trying to keep myself from offering up too much of the story, perhaps Anita finds a way to love both of them and keep them in her life. Or not.
This is a great series, and a wonderful book in it. Go out and buy this. It starts with Guilty Pleasures. Go. Buy it. Read it. You won't be sorry. - an Amazon customer review
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