Author: Matt Johnson
Release date: September, 2001
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0843949163
My Thoughts : Richard Laymon's " In The Dark" is the best mystery that I have read in quite awhile. It is hard to remember a book that keeps you glued to the pages and hooked like this one. You are literally unable to put the book down after page 1! Not only will you want to see what she will make herself do for the money, but you will also want to know who MOG is and what his motivation behind all of it is too. Plus, Laymon hides the identity of MOG really well. The whole time, you are thinking that it could literally be anyone. You are usually able to nail down at least a couple of suspects, but it is impossible in this book! The ending is spectacular. Many times , a good book can be ruined by a horrible ending. But not in this case. It is the perfect end, to an enjoyable thrill ride.
Overall : Great characters, realistic and funny dialogue, brilliant description, and a hard to solve mystery, all make this book a must read! Bravo Mr, Laymon!!!!! HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!
- Ryan Deffley - an Amazon customer review