Imajica by Clive Barker

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Author: Clive Barker
Release date: 06 August, 2002
Media: Paperback
ISBN: 0060937262

Like nothing I've ever read before

I had never read anything by Cliver Barker and usually am not a fan of horror or fantasy, but I picked up Imajica on a whim, for a change of pace. I just finished reading it-an endeavor that has taken me about 2 years all together, not because it's a slow read, but because I have a short attention span. Because I'm an editor of academic books by day, my "fun reading" tends to be much less involved. Imajica, however, requires some serious attention, a great deal of imagination, and some brain retention space.

It's over 1000 pages long, but the story, settings, and characters make you want to keep reading. I found it frustrating at times because when you think you're getting to a climax scene, or a point of intense action, the plot twists again onto a different path. HOWEVER, despite the number of times I put this book down, I always returned. I even found myself driving home from work, after not reading the book for a couple months, and thinking "wonder what ever happened with Gentle and Judith?" That's the greatest endorsement I can give any book, and I've recommended it to many friends for that reason: It haunted me, and I had to finish. I'm so glad that I did, and I will probably read Imajica again someday. There are so many wonderful pieces to this work, I'm sure you could read it 200 times and still pick up new things each time. I would also like to meet Clive Barker someday, just to talk to a person whose mind creates like this. - an Amazon customer review

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