Henry and Amy: (Right-Way-Round and Upside Down) by Stephen King
Horror Author Home > Stephen King > Henry and Amy: (Right-Way-Round and Upside Down)

buy Henry and Amy: (Right-Way-Round and Upside Down) by Stephen King at AmazonAuthor: Leonard Wolf
Release date: April, 1999
Media: Hardcover
ISBN: 0802786863
My niece loves this book!
This is a book that children love, not just adults! I bought this book for my niece because its beautiful illustrations and simple text appealed to me at a glimpse in the bookstore. Never would I have guessed that it would turn out to be my niece's favorite book! I gave it to her more than a year ago, when she was not quite four, and every time I have traveled to see her since, she has asked me to read it to her. Not just once, but multiple times in a row, and night after night. Her mother told me that she never tires of it. I think that says it all! - an Amazon customer review
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