Hearts in Atlantis by Stephen King
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buy Hearts in Atlantis by Stephen King at AmazonAuthor: Stephen King
Release date: 14 September, 1999
Media: Hardcover
ISBN: 0684853515
Excellent storytelling
In Hearts in Atlantis, Stephen King gives us his usual - brilliant storytelling. The first two stories in particular are excellent. I found myself losing interest toward the end, although my attention was held by trying to find out what happened to Carol Gerber, the only character who is relevant to every story. As a college student who spent several months playing cards instead of doing schoolwork, the second story has me hooked. I really relate to the protagonist of that story, Pete Riley, as he struggles with girls and college life. I've read it half a dozen times already, and still can't get enough of it. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of great storytelling, and, lets be honest, if you're reading this review you probably are. - an Amazon customer review
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