Exit to Eden by Anne Rice
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buy Exit to Eden by Anne Rice at AmazonAuthor: Michael Riley
Release date: February, 1996
Media: Paperback
ISBN: 0345401964
A romantic s&m book
I just need to say that this book started out quite s&m like. Full of exciting sexual happenings.... but ended up as being just a really good 'happily ever after' story. Theres nothing wrong in that, because mind you i loved the romantic side to the story, it was beautiful. But it would seem that after the first few chapters, the whole s&m or Master/slave aspects were just totally lost and gone. And if you've read the 'Beauty Series' by Anne Rice that is probably why you picked up this book. Well if you are hoping for something as satisfying as the Beauty series then you've chosen the wrong book. If you are into reading love stories and love to see happy endings where people run away and fall in love, then your in luck! - an Amazon customer review
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