Death of a Darklord (Ravenloft, No 11) by Laurell K. Hamilton
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buy Death of a Darklord (Ravenloft, No 11) by Laurell K. Hamilton at AmazonAuthor: Laurell K. Hamilton
Release date: August, 1900
Media: Paperback
ISBN: 0786901128
If you like Harkon Lukas, this novel reads well.
Unless you are versed in the history of the land of the mists Ravenloft, you may not get as much enjoyment from this offering as you would expect.
This is a departure from the standard Laurell Hamilton offering, even though the supernatural theme is prevalent. If you like Harkon Lukas, the Domain Lord of Kartakass, this novel reads well, capturing somewhat the essense of the depths of which such an evil being will go to achieve his goals.
But unless you are grounded in the lore of Ravenloft, you may find some of the narrative in this novel a bit weak. It is not to par with some of her better efforts, such as GUILTY PLEASURES or THE KILLING DANCE. But to an avid gamer there is worth in this book from a resource background. The side story of the group transported to Ravenloft is most engaging, you do end up wondering what happens to them. The description of how wolfweres hunt and kill was eerily done and lingered in the mind long afterward. But as a whole, the story seemed unfocused and unfinished.
I would like to see a further effort by the author that focused more on the Dark Lord Harkon himself and not so much on the side stories. - an Amazon customer review
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