Dark Rivers of the Heart by Dean Koontz
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buy Dark Rivers of the Heart by Dean Koontz at AmazonAuthor: Dean R. Koontz
Release date: November, 1994
Media: Audio Cassette
ISBN: 0679436669
Truly frightening
"Dark Rivers of the Heart" is one of Koontz' best books to date. Most of the story centers around the protagonist, Spencer Grant's, efforts to locate a mysterious woman named Valerie Keene and their attempts to evade capture/death by a psychotic government agent working for an extremely corrupt First Deputy Attorney General. There's a great deal of tension and suspense every time the two are located by the government, and some of the chase scenes are very intense. Like most of Koontz'"~ heroes/heroines, Grant is a loner with a troubled past. His past adds some mystery to the story, and it is gradually revealed over the later parts of the novel. Also, Valerie Keene is one of the best heroines Koontz has created. She's smart, witty, tough, and resourceful, and she adds much to the story. What scared me about this book was how much power the government is portrayed as having in our society. The agents use high-tech, sophisticated technology such as an EPA satellite to hunt Grant and Keene, and a subplot of the story deals with a friend of Grant's whose life is systematically and maliciously ruined by the psychotic government agent and the government itself. Throughout the book, Koontz slips in some frightening bits of info about how our supposedly "free" government is"~ really anything but. - an Amazon customer review
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