Cry for the Strangers by John Saul
Horror Author Home > John Saul > Cry for the Strangers

buy Cry for the Strangers by John Saul at AmazonAuthor: John Saul
Release date: 01 August, 1986
Media: Paperback
ISBN: 0440118700
Great Read!
It starts off with a young boy who witnesses his grandparents being murdered and though the boy runs away, he never forgets... Harney Whalen is the police cheif of the small town of Clarks Harbor. He loves his village, but has a strong hate for strangers... The Shellings have been in Clarks Harbor for 15 years. Then one day Pete, who is a fisherman, goes off on his boat, Sea Spray, and never returns... The Palmers are the new people in Clarks Harbor. They too, like the Shellings, are strangers. But their 9 year old son, Robbie, afflicted since birth with hyperkenisis, has been mysteriously cured since they moved to Clarks Harbor, they stay even though they feel the icy chill emanating from the town. Their daughter has terrifying visions about the beach where they live... Is Robbie cured? Or is something else happening?This is a pretty damned good book. It has suspense, supernatural twists, and plots all over the place. But the ending leaves peoples imagination working overtime. It gives you the ending, but you keep wondering. In any case, I HIGHLY recommend this book! - an Amazon customer review
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