Cold Fire by Dean Koontz
Horror Author Home > Dean Koontz > Cold Fire

buy Cold Fire by Dean Koontz at AmazonAuthor: Dean R. Koontz
Release date: July, 1996
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0425130711
The Enemy is coming...
At the risk of sounding like a laudy book critic, I literally could not put down this book. From it's chilling opening to it's spellbinding denouement, this book is a stunning tour-de-force. I won't reveal any of the plot (seeing as all the other reviews have already done that), but I will tell you this: I read this book in broad daylight and I had to switch on another light, and I am the most jaded horror fan ever (I slept through Alien the first time I saw it). I loved every character in this book, and the imagery (always a Koontz forté) was as vivid as the world you're living in. In conclusion, wow. - an Amazon customer review
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