Circus of the Damned by Laurell K. Hamilton
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buy Circus of the Damned by Laurell K. Hamilton at AmazonAuthor: J. D. Robb
Release date: September, 2002
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0515134481
Hugely Entertaining!
"Circus of the Damned" by Laurell K. Hamilton is the third book in the Anita Blake - Vampire Hunter series, and it is a fantastic read. The action never stops, and the reader is utterly absorbed into Anita's weird world of vampires, werewolves, and zombies. Though not for the faint of heart, this addictive series will have readers applauding Laurell K. Hamilton and craving much more of Anita Blake.
In "Circus of the Damned", Anita, tough-as-nails necromancer and vampire executioner is called in by the police to investigate a murder, seemingly perpetrated by vampires. After examining the body, Anita is sure that there is a rogue master vampire and at least four of his followers in the area, who are responsible for this murder. This means that there will be a new victim each night until these murderous vampires can be stopped.
In attempt to find out who these vampires are, Anita ends months of careful avoidance by asking to meet with Jean-Claude, the incredibly sexy Master Vampire of the City. Anita meets with Jean-Claude at one of his businesses, the Circus of the Damned, where she ends up having to fight off a perverted master vampire, an enraged human servant, and a giant cobra gone berserk. What a night! And what a lot of fun to read!
In this book Anita is still fighting against Jean-Claude's affections (silly, silly girl) and meets a new love interest, Richard Zeeman, a Junior High science teacher and werewolf.
In addition to everything else going on in her life, Anita must also train an eager and naive new animator named Larry Kirkland (and keep him alive), and deal with a bunch of right-wing fruitcakes from a violent new anti-vampire group. As you can see, Anita's adventures never stop, and Hamilton expertly ties all the threads together in a coherent and enjoyable way.
Anita's chilling encounters with the rogue vampires are full of heart-pounding suspense, and the thrilling final showdown will have every reader on the edge of his/her seat - guaranteed.
"Circus of the Damned" is tons of suspenseful fun, and is the ideal book for those days when you just need to get away from everything for a few hours. With a story that grabs you by the throat and won't let go and vivid and compelling characters at every turn, this book is irresistible. So don't miss out, buy this book today and enjoy! - an Amazon customer review
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