Cabal/Lord of the Illusions by Clive Barker
Horror Author Home > Clive Barker > Cabal/Lord of the Illusions

buy Cabal/Lord of the Illusions by Clive Barker at AmazonAuthor: Clive Barker
Release date: April, 1996
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0671742884
Barker's best to date?
This book is my favourite of Clive Barker's to date (on a par with the outstanding "Books of Blood"). The Liverpool born writer tells the story of monsters living under a cemetery and a man who is destined to become one of them. Later made into the film Nightbreed, this book pulls no punches, and is considerably stronger in content than the film. However Barker tells it in such a way it engrosses rather than offends, and opens up a magical world that becomes reality very quickly. Soon you realise that the real monsters are the humans, and your loyalties shift. For me the greatest writing talent in the genre, Barker has a mind like no other, and delivers big time with this book. - an Amazon customer review
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